Men's fashion is just as important to men as womens fashion is to women. So why are jewelry lines for men so hard to find. It was not until the 50's into 60's that the majority of married men even wore wedding bands. Of course as incomes have increased so have the bling. Men were still not a "significant" part of jewelry buying statistics by any means. However, times are changing. Finally. According to the Euromonitor and Rachel Garrahan of the New York times, "the global men's wear market grew by 4.5% last year (2014). Outpacing womens at 3.7%." She goes on to say estimates show another $40 billion increase by 2019. So what are men speding this money on?
Citizen Watch Signature series has some of the most amazing styles for men. The great thing about this line is that you can go with the heavier style such as the Grand Touring Sport model or the sleeker look with the Grand Classic. Either way you are getting the stronger sapphire crystal and top of the line movements.
Add a little more bling to that great looking watch with a stylish bracelet or a great pair of cufflinks. Still another great look for men is the leather chain with an oversized pendant. The great thing for men is truely the sky is the limit. #kingbabystudio #citizenwatchus #mensjewelry #customjewelry